Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Portfolio Logistics

Once your pieces are completed, edited and polished, and totally ready to be turned in:

  1. Create a new document called 2nd Semester Portfolio or something like it.
  2. Begin the document with a list of all of the pieces you have written for AP Lang.  For each, list title, description of the argument, audience, purpose, and a quick description of how well you think you did on it.  You DO NOT need to include the full documents--the list will show us the variety of writing you've accomplished.
  3. Copy and paste all of your NEW pieces into the file.
  4. You MUST have your final draft of your research persuasion argument.
  5. You MUST have your rhetorical analysis of your nonfiction independent reading book.
  6. You MUST have at least one NEW argument you wrote this quarter.
  7. You MUST include one piece from earlier in the year that demonstrates your growth as a writer. Choose something from the very beginning that shows where you started as a writer in this class. Your Fast Food Nation paper or first draft of your definition argument might be ideal choices for this requirement.  Make sure you choose something that IS NOT as good as what you're turning in now as your final drafts.  The point is to show that you HAVE improved!
  8. To show your revisions based on feedback:  pick one piece that has undergone multiple drafts with significant change.  Put those drafts (properly labeled and in order) in your portfolio document to show the change.  You might also consider a screenshot of feedback that prompted those changes, though this part is not required.  If you don't know how to take a screenshot on your particular type of computer, google it.  It is different depending on what type of system you're using (Mac, Vista, Windows XP).
  9. You do not have to put anything in your portfolio to show the helpful feedback you provided your peers.  Your teacher will assess that based on your completion and appropriate participation in the peer reviews this semester.
  10. Once everything is in your portfolio document, add page numbers to the document.
  11. Save.
  12. Upload to Turnitin

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