Friday, September 6, 2013

Article of the Week

Each week--or most--you will have an Article of the Week (AoW) assignment posted on the blog.  Once we get into our once-a-week lab days, that is one of the things you can use that lab time for.  The objectives for this assignment are simple:

  • Practice your critical reading skills on short arguments, paying attention to both effective and ineffective rhetoric.
  • Respond to the variety of topics and opinions in current discourse which may lead you to ideas for your own arguments.
  • Add to your cultural literacy--know what's going on in the world! =)

The assignment is also simple:

  1. Read the article.
  2. Make note in your journal (under date, title, and author) the rhetoric that makes the argument strong or the rhetoric that weakens it.  What to consider: mode, ethos, pathos, logos, format, length, evidence, style.
  3. Write a 1-pg reflection in your journal about the article, responding to its topic, the information you learned, your opinion on the issue, your opinion of the argument itself, and/or any rhetorical strategies you see working in this piece that you could use in your own writing.

The first one we'll do as a class--here it is.

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