Monday, December 17, 2012

Final Exam: Self-Assessment Persuasive Essay

Your final exam this semester is a self-assessment of your understanding and use of the rhetoric skills we've worked on so far this year.  You have compiled a portfolio that should contain writing that shows each of the following skills as laid out in your syllabus:

  • Pathos, logos, and ethos
  • Various modes to include definition, narrative, compare/contrast, and exposition
  • Effective rhetorical devices
  • Evidence to convince
  • Clear purpose and audience in each piece
  • Standard written English
  • Correct MLA format and parenthetical citations—at 100% (Nabokov paper should do this)
  • Multiple drafts with revision based on feedback
  • Concise but convincing explanations
  • Smooth transitions and effective, interesting vocabulary
To receive an A, you must also show evidence of your own helpful feedback as a peer responder.

To complete your self-assessment, you must write a persuasive essay in which you convince ME, your teacher, of the grade you would give yourself in this class.  In order to be successful in convincing me, you will have to effectively explain your level of proficiency in each of the rhetorical skills listed above.  You MUST point to evidence in your portfolio as proof and support for your claims PLUS provide any needed explanations to be sure I interpret that evidence as you do.  DO NOT leave me to assume how your references to your portfolio support your claims about yourself.  I most likely will not have the same perceptions about you and your work as you do.  When you refer to a part of your portfolio, use parenthetical citations to point me to the correct page.  Then provide any additional context clues to find small or specific details you want me to note.  You should also address your progress as a critical reader.  You should point to your Nabokov essay as some evidence and use specific examples of your experiences in the class for additional support if needed.

This persuasive self-assessment essay should become the first page of your portfolio document.  Keep in mind that this should be a strong example of your writing ability.  Be sure to edit and polish this piece as well.

Once all of this is complete, upload your ONE FILE to  It is due by the end of your Lang section's testing period--NOT necessarily the date listed on  That date only applies to 8th hour students!

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