Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Final Exam Study Guide

AP Language & Composition
1st Semester Exam Study Guide

Rhetoric/Argument Terms
Matching—I’ll pull from key terms in your textbook.

Short Argument Analysis
Multi-choice and short answer—I’ll provide you a NYT article.  You’ll read it and answer questions similar to what you’ve been doing with the NYT this week.

Good Readers & Good Writers
These questions will revolve around the essays by Nabokov, Frost, and Perrine.  Go back and review those essays as well as your reading journals and/or notes.

Connections in Literature
This section will focus on your 2nd quarter readings.  Firstly, you should be able to not only provide critical interpretations of the literature, but also pinpoint how the author uses the rhetorical model of writing to achieve his/her purpose.  Also, pay attention to the effect of literary devices—not just that they’re there, but how they function in the author’s overall purpose.  In other words, why does the author use them?

Secondly, look at the connections between the pieces of literature.  Pay attention to direct allusions, parody, etc. as well as more subtle connections.  Make sure you understand the value and purpose of connecting to previously written literature.  How does each contemporary author add to his/her purpose and overall effect by using these connections?  Be prepared to compare and contrast the audience, purpose, and meaning of each text.

Everything’s an Argument
This section will test you on your understanding of key concepts from the textbook.  Review your annotations, notes, or reread sections of the textbook with which you’re not totally comfortable.  You’ll also want to review the various kinds of writing we’ve covered this semester as there will be questions pertaining to the various rhetorical strategies in this section of the exam.

AP Multiple Choice
I’ll give you one section of an AP exam (a prose passage and the questions following).

AP Essay Prompt
I’ll give you one essay question for which you should allow yourself 40 minutes.  Remember, it’s important that you pay attention to what the prompt is asking of you and that you respond to all parts of it.

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