Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Still Sick...

So here's what you guys all need to know.  (I know some of you have heard parts of this already and some of you have heard it all, but I just need to make sure everyone knows everything.)

Honestly, there's no way I'm going to get them done by Friday now.  I can't even be vertical for more than a few minutes.  I think I'm going to have to get them done over the weekend or early next week which means you won't turn in your final drafts until the very end of the quarter.  Therefore, I will not have time to grade them for 1st quarter and I'm going to shift them to your 2nd quarter grade.  I think this will work out quite nicely for you guys because you already have lots of writing points in 1st quarter (several that have not yet been graded) and you don't have much for 2nd quarter.  This will hopefully balance things out a bit.  I'm sorry about this, but there's not a lot I can do about it at this point. =(

RJ Conferences
A reading journal conference is where you sit down with me for 5-10 minutes (this will happen one day next week while you're reading The Jungle) and talk to me about where you are as a critical reader.  This is the beginning of the year so we're really just beginning this process.  Therefore, I'm not looking for you all to say you're star readers who always follow all of Nabokov's rules. (I won't believe you if you do.)  I am looking for an honest assessment of the rules you follow or at least know you should and the ones you're really not using at all.  These are claims about yourself and you'll need evidence to support them.  Your evidence is your RJ.  Show aspects of it as proof of what you're doing well.  Are you pretty good at noticing details or rhetorical devices? Show examples from your RJ.  Are you rereading?  What were you able to accomplish in your RJ because of that?  If you're not doing something, where is the weakness in your RJ that could have been improved?

After you assess yourself and offer evidence, then I would like one or two specific goals you can set to work on your critical reading during 2nd quarter.  You can't fix everything, so start with what will make the biggest impact (time management, better organization or note-taking, learning more rhetorical devices, better effort to reread, etc.).

How will I grade this?  If you sit down with me, have your RJ, cover what you need to thoroughly but concisely--showing evidence from your completed RJ--you get an A.  If you don't have much in the way of specific evidence, you'll get an A-.   If I have to prompt you to make sure you cover it all or have very little evidence, you'll get some type of B depending on how much prompting you require or how sparse the evidence is.  If you require prompting but can't even answer what I'm asking for OR you clearly don't have a completed RJ OR you just have absolutely no evidence for your claims, you'll end up in the C range.

The Jungle
Ms. Stark will be here today to give a brief explanation of how to use the Nooks.  Use the rest of class to read and work on your RJ.

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