Wednesday, January 8, 2014

AoW January 9

We're doing this one as a class because we want to model the kinds of critical reading we want you to be doing at this point.  Remember the original AoW assignment:

  1. Read the article.
  2. Make note in your journal (under date, title, and author) the rhetoric that makes the argument strong or the rhetoric that weakens it.  What to consider: mode, ethos, pathos, logos, format, length, evidence, style.
  3. Write a 1-pg reflection in your journal about the article, responding to its topic, the information you learned, your opinion on the issue, your opinion of the argument itself, and/or any rhetorical strategies you see working in this piece that you could use in your own writing.
In addition, for second semester, you should also look for and note:  how the logic works, qualifiers (or lack of), fallacies, rhetorical devices, types of evidence, differences in style as they pertain to audience and purpose, and how the author uses various types of humor.

So today, we want to show you what our own AoW journal entry would look like.  We're going to walk you through this article pointing out what we, as your teachers of critical reading, notice about it.  You should put those notes in your journal so that you can reference them later on.  At the end of the day, you'll write your own 1-page reflection.

We want to see improvement in your AoW journals this quarter.  You know more and should be improving your critical skills.  Practicing those skills with these short arguments is the number one goal of these assignments BUT you have to note what you're seeing/understanding in your journal or we have no evidence of your skills and growth.

Today's article is about "boys will be boys."

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