Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Proposal Revisions

Snow Day!!! =)  So, first of all, enjoy your day off.  Do something fun, lay around in your pjs, whatever makes you happy after you all finally roll out of bed. I have been up working on your proposals since 5:30 and I'm over halfway through them.  I addressed some of this in 8th hour yesterday, but here's the scoop:

1.  What I asked for was a detailed plan of your argument with clear, well-thought reasoning and a start on both secondary sources that can help you and ideas of primary research you'd like to conduct SO THAT I could give you all helpful feedback, ideas of what to watch out for, what to consider, and other resources or ideas that might make your job easier.  Some people gave that to me.  What I didn't want--and really didn't expect--was something that looks like you spent 30 seconds coming up with a topic and throwing some vague comments on a document.  Frankly, that's a huge waste of my time and effort.  I also did not expect the several proposals for "clever" ways to get out of actually writing a research paper.  I give you an opportunity to do authentic, real-life research where you could actually make an impact with your writing, and some of you thought it'd be more fun to write a fake research paper?

2.  At some point today, please check your proposal on Turnitin.  Read the comments--all of them.  I spent lots of time making comments, perhaps even more for those proposals which are approved.  If you are approved, go ahead with your research and get going on that drafting process.  If you are NOT approved, read the comments, figure out what you're missing or needing to address, and submit a revised proposal ASAP.  I've created a Proposal Revision assignment in Turnitin so simply upload your new one there.

3.  I'll list the people who are approved below.  If your name is not on the list, I need your revised proposal as soon as you can get it to me but absolutely NO LATER than Thursday by the end of your class period.  Some revisions require only clarification of one or two points while others will require a lot more work.  I will update this list as I make progress throughout the day.

Approved Proposals:
Kate Bishop
Bryce Bickham
Peter Brennan
Tess Davis
Aaron Elkin
Jonny Green
Erin Halterman
Nicole Harvey
Christian Hayden
Miranda Hoch
Tacy Johnson
Kylie Kurth
Elsa Langenwalter
Katelyn Reding
Victoria Smith
Joe Staudacher
Alaina Stills
Emily Stoll
Kasey Wiedmaier
Tara Young

NOTE:  I am finished with all of the proposals I have received.  I am now working on revisions.

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