Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Sound and the Fury

Here is a copy of the character map that you can save or print so that it is easily-accessible while you are reading.

Also, here is the soliloquy the title is based on:

To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.  Out, out, brief candle!
Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more.  It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.

Portfolio Info

Here are your second semester criteria:

Your portfolio will include at least 3 additional final drafts (including your rhetorical analysis essay) to show evidence of your learning for the following criteria:
  1. Successful understanding and use of claims, reasons, and qualifiers
  2. Various modes to include research, persuasion, cause/effect, and rhetorical analysis
  3. Use of evidence to convince, including well-used and documented secondary AND primary research
  4. Variety of purpose and audience throughout the year
  5. Correct MLA works cited page—at 100%
  6. Multiple drafts with revision based on feedback
  7. Stylistic maturity
  8. Growth as a writer over the course of the year
  9. Growth as a reader over the course of the year
To receive an A, you must also show evidence of your own helpful feedback as a peer responder and publish one piece of writing for the appropriate audience.

So here are some more details to help you achieve that:

  1. Your research paper likely covers many of these.  If your "final draft" didn't successfully achieve all of these research components (i.e. perfect works cited page), revise it so it does.  There are comments on your final draft in Turnitin that tell you where you have problems.  Revise it and include a better copy of it in your final portfolio.
  2. Your rhetorical analysis will also help meet several of the criteria above.  For instance, comparing it with your Nabokov paper from first semester or even your Fast Food paper from first quarter may be a good way to show your growth as a reader (and potentially as a writer).
  3. To get credit for publishing a piece, you need to get something you wrote this year to its intended audience.  Your research paper works well for this because you spent a lot of time on it and have a clear audience--and probably an argument you actually want people to hear.  To get credit for it, I need to "see" your submission.  If you're going to email it to your audience (i.e. Mrs. Stone for The Indian, the Record Herald, a legislator, etc.), just copy me on the email.  If you're going to mail it in paper form, bring it in with an addressed envelope (open, please) and I'll even mail it for you.  If there is some other way you need to submit or publish your argument that doesn't fit one of these options, see me for how to do it in a way I can be sure to give you credit for.
  4. You currently have TWO more pieces to write.  I have updated the Google Calendar to show what we are doing for the rest of year, including lab days.  There are a few of them BUT you will likely need to do some writing OUTSIDE of class.  You have basically ONE MONTH to complete your portfolio.  Here are your deadlines:

  • Start your rhetorical analysis NOW
  • Journaling prompts in class to help with your last piece: April 2-11
  • Lab time during class:  April 12, 16, 19, 24, and 29
  • Optional draft due April 12 by midnight.  If you want INDIVIDUAL feedback from me, you need to submit a draft to Turnitin on this day.  It can be whatever piece you like and you don't HAVE to turn one in.  But I will read and give feedback on anyone's paper that is turned in BY April 12.  NO LATE SUBMISSIONS!
  • Silent reading table on April 22--bring a PRINT COPY of one or both pieces to class with you.
  • Completed portfolio due April 29 by midnight.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Rhetorical Analysis

One of your 2nd semester portfolio pieces is a rhetorical analysis of your non-fiction independent reading book.  Hopefully you have completed a book that you found a clear argument in.  Your job now is to write an essay in which you achieve TWO objectives.


  • Demonstrate effective critical reading skills
  • Demonstrate college-ready writing


A   Successfully achieves all objectives
A-  Successfully achieves all objectives but some minor errors
B   Successfully achieves one objective but has some major problems with the other
C   Does not achieve the objectives; unsuccessful, unacceptable attempt

So how do you make sure you achieve both of those objectives?  I'll break it down for you.

Evidence of your Critical Reading:
Identify argument, purpose, and audience
Analyze rhetorical devices and major modes used
Analyze appeals
Pinpoint BOTH strengths and weaknesses in the argument
Explain an "educated" conclusion of the argument--your opinion of whether the strengths outweigh the weaknesses or vice versa

Evidence of College-Ready Writing:
Lots of detail and evidence to back up your claims (all of them)
Correct MLA parenthetical citations
Clear organization that is easy to follow
Academic purpose and tone BUT with some appropriate personality, voice, and engaging writing
Clean mechanics

Monday, March 4, 2013

3rd Qtr Exam and What's Coming Up

Your quarter exam is looming.  Here's what will be on it so you can prepare:

  • Analysis of a visual argument--There will be questions about audience, purpose, rhetorical appeals and devices. You might look over Chapter 15 in your textbook
  • Figurative language--Know the terms from Chapter 14 of your textbook
  • Evidence and research--This will cover material from your research persuasion argument and Chapter 18 of the textbook
  • Two long answers--Slave Narratives and Young Men & Fire.  These are "big picture" questions.  You need to know audience, purpose, and main point and how the authors use rhetorical appeals and devices.

It's been a busy and probably stressful couple of weeks.  Once the quarter exam is completed, I'll give you the end of the week to work on your non-fiction independent reading book. You'll be writing a paper for your portfolio over that book so I'll give you a little downtime to read that (especially if you don't want to have to read over break).

When we get back, we'll launch into our two novels, some more portfolio writing, and we'll end the year with a film documentary project.