Thursday, November 29, 2012

Poe/Perkins Stories

AP Lang
Poe and Perkins Gilman Journal

POE--I will model this in class.  You should make note of what I do.  If you miss class Friday, you should get good notes from someone you trust.
1.    Read the Poe first.  Because you may be familiar with the storyline, make sure you note any surprises or elements of the story you don’t remember.  Take the general notes than any good critical reader does and record them in your reading journal.  (This may be a good time to go back and look at those guidelines.☺)

2.    Pay careful attention to Poe’s language.  Note the level of vocabulary, the diction choices in establishing and maintaining a mood, the assonance and alliteration and consonance.  (Look up those terms, if necessary, to be sure you know what you’re looking for. ☺)

3.    Finally, chart the rhythm and pace in the entire story.  Make sure you use specific descriptors here.  Also note the use of loose (sentences that are constructed in a S-V grammatical structure) and periodic (sentences that force the reader to wait until the end for the S-V) sentences.  Make note of what is happening in the plot in relation to the pace and rhythm and sentence types.

PERKINS GILMAN--You will read this on your own.  Make the same kind of notes, using the same kind of close reading that I modeled for you.
1.    Read the Gilman.  I strongly urge you to read it at least three times.  Note the obvious
       connections between the two stories, and be very specific.
2.    Note the significant departures from Poe in the Gilman.
3.    As the narrator begins to interpret the wallpaper, she becomes wholly taken up with
       figuring it out.  She says that her life “is very much more exciting now than it used to be. 
       You see I have something more to expect, to look forward to, to watch.”  A bit later she
       says, “I don’t want anybody to get that woman out at night but myself.”  Finally, she
       concludes with a confusion of pronouns that merges into a grammatical statement of
As soon as it was moonlight and that poor thing began to crawl and shake the pattern, I got up and ran to help her.
              I pulled and she shook, and I shook and she pulled, and before morning we had peeled off yards of that paper.
             What do you make of that?  “I don’t know” is, obviously, an unacceptable answer. 
             Use what we’ve discussed with Nabokov and Perrine to try to come up with a plausible
             answer to what’s going on in this story.

Come to class with answers to ALL of the questions..  It should be your best attempt at CRITICAL READING and analysis.  Come to class knowing what you want to discuss in order to understand these stories AND critical reading.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Porfolio Specifics

We've been talking a lot about your portfolio in class and you've had a significant amount of lab time to be working on your pieces.  All of the details are in the syllabus that we went over at the beginning of the year, but I suspect some of you have not gone back to look at it.

Below is the list of things your portfolio should show me you understand AND can use effectively in your writing.  You are required to write at least two pieces of your own choosing PLUS you will have a paper applying Nabokov's rules for readers and writers to your independent reading book.  Somewhere in those three pieces of writing, you must show evidence of each of the following concepts and skills:

  • Pathos, logos, and ethos
  • Various modes to include definition, narrative, compare/contrast, and exposition
  • Effective rhetorical devices
  • Evidence to convince
  • Clear purpose and audience in each piece
  • Standard written English
  • Correct MLA format and parenthetical citations—at 100% (Nabokov paper should do this)
  • Multiple drafts with revision based on feedback
  • Concise but convincing explanations
  • Smooth transitions and effective, interesting vocabulary

To receive an A, you must also show evidence of your own helpful feedback as a peer responder.

Friday, you will all be giving and receiving feedback on the pieces you submitted to Turnitin last Friday.  If for some reason you did not submit anything, GET IT IN ASAP so you get feedback from your peers.

Lastly, though it is not directly on the list of items, all of the writing in this class is based on the rhetorical model of writing.  That means that all of your decisions regarding a piece are determined by your understanding of your authority/topic, purpose, and audience.  The academic essay (and it's offspring the 5-paragraph essay) is only effective for one purpose and audience:  a teacher/professor who is grading you on what you know.  Keep that in mind when it comes to determining organization for your arguments.